Your letters

Viky, 1. 9. 2023

My intention was fulfilled 100%! I have found inner peace, I feel wonderful, I have achieved great things and I enjoyed working with others who were determined to change their lives.

I really enjoyed the RUŠ course. The energy was indescribable, everything was flowing and it was beautiful. Thank you for allowing me to be there.

My intention was fulfilled 100%! I have found inner peace, I feel wonderful, I have achieved great things and I enjoyed working with others who were determined to change their lives.

A huge change occurred in me already during the course. Now, I communicate with people completely differently than before, I feel different, I notice much more of my thoughts and I enjoy this comprehension, knowledge and development.

I highly recommend the courses to everyone who feels that it is possible to be happy and does not know how to do so under any circumstances. To anyone who is determined to change something within themself. For people who want to live life and not just survive.

If you want a change, start with yourself, be the change and everything around you will change.

After R1

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Barbara, 13. 7. 2023

I discovered that a person does not have to live in fear, nor with any anxiety or depression.

I used to have a feeling that I was generally unhappy on all levels of my life, even though my life looked perfect from a distance. I was unhappy inside. I didn't even know why and from time to time I was experiencing inexplicable anxiety. I lived with a low stress level almost permanently and I considered it natural. 

Only when I started solving things and gradually got rid of problems, I discovered a new state of complete peace, happiness, joy. I discovered that a person does not have to live in fear, nor with any anxiety or depression. For me, the RUŠ Method is a tool that everyone should have in their equipment, and just as we brush our teeth, we should also clean our minds, and it's a form of psychohygiene. It's not something spiritual, it's rather something very natural.

Barbara, owner of a yoga studio

After T2

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Martina, 30. 5. 2023

I am a demanding person and I expected that I would be relieved mentally and physically, both. This really happened.

I signed up for the course because I had stopped believing that complete satisfaction in life would ever come to me. Just after five minutes of the first session, I realized that I had a lot of hidden problems, bad feelings and especially fears that were occupying such a large part of my thinking. I am happy for myself that I overcame myself, attended, persevered and found the strength to continue at home. 

I am a demanding person and I expected that I would be relieved mentally and physically, both. This really happened. As a bonus, my life has slowed down, suddenly I have enough time for everything I want, I can catch up on everything. I'm looking forward to work and I'm doing well. I ALREADY know how to do it. I am not dependent on anyone and I can help myself from problems. It's so liberating. I am totally in favor of this method being promoted far more in the media and in schools.


absolvent R1

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Adam Štrunc, 11. 4. 2022

The RUŠ Method is for me the fastest and most reliable tool to achieve happiness I have ever known.

During my life I have read a lot of books, attended a lot of seminars, courses, I have been to various therapies, with a psychologist ... I can say that RUŠ Method is for me the fastest and most reliable tool to achieve happiness I have ever known.

Adam Štrunc, personal development lecturer, coach, author of the book Business from the beach

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Petr Pilch, 8. 4. 2022

If I were forced to keep only one, it would be the book "It´s not my case" by Karel Nejedlý.

I have read thousands and thousands of books. If I were forced to keep only one, it would be the book "It´s not my case" by Karel Nejedlý.

Petr Pilch


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Miroslava Vítková, 26. 3. 2020

Jsem nemocná (mám příznaky koronaviru), ale mám jen mírný průběh, většinou spím. Co je důležité, že většinu času jsem velmi klidná. Po každém kurzu jsem klidnější a klidnější a po RUŠ 3 mám občas pocit, že se na všechno dívám tak nějak zvenku a je to velmi příjemné.

Přijela jsem po kurzu zpátky do Anglie a zjistila, že spolubydlící je nakažená koronavirem, tak jsem šla hned do izolace a o čtyři dny později jsem měla příznaky taky. Stále jsem nemocná, ale mám jen mírný průběh, většinou spím. Co je důležité, že většinu času jsem velmi klidná. Občas mi vystřelí nervy, tak to vyčistím a jsem zase klidná. Kvůli nemoci jsem se nad kurzem zatím moc nezamýšlela, jedno však vím jistě – po každém kurzu jsem klidnější a klidnější a po RUŠ 3 mám občas pocit, že se na všechno dívám tak nějak zvenku a je to velmi příjemné. Také mohu s jistotou prohlásit, že se mi na všech kurzech moc líbilo a užila jsem si to. Záměr kurzu se mi naplnil. Nyní dolešťuji záměr na moje zdraví :-).

Moc vám děkuji za vedení, poskytnuté rady, pochopení, úsměvy, humor a všechno krásné. Přeji vám krásné jarní dny, abyste si co nejvíc užili tu krásu kolem, všechny ty kytičky, co všude rostou, sluníčko... (vždycky jsem byla romantik, ale po RUŠce jsem romantik na druhou). Mějte se všichni hezky.

Miroslava Vítková

po R3

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